Sunday, June 29, 2008

Surprise MTVfest

After so much silence from the international Family music scene (with the notable exception of TranslatedMusic [bravo])... Family Music Videos. Sorry about the Youtube quality. If you need better quality, comment, and I'll try to post the full episodes. Also, scroll below to download quality copies of the songs.

Life is Kind (Desejo Meu) -- Gavin feat. Rachelle Spring
The Journey -- Salt of Earth
When Will You Come -- Rachelle Spring

(Click on a song title to download)

Burst levels: 7, 5, and 7.

Love, Joe.

Labels: ,

Saturday, June 14, 2008

My Month Too

It's June! And all the June bugs get to live and breathe for just a month! Their month! Their very own, sunshine month!

I'm so happy for them.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Fetching Fridays

And who better, honestly?
Love you, Mel, and celebrating with you.


Sunday, June 01, 2008

ML 2750

Allow me to be discouraged for once in my life. I'll go back to being your positive little bunny rabbit tomorrow.
