Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Romance and Sensuality

To be romantic is to blind yourself.
To be sensual is to touch yourself.
To be blind is the only way to be happy.
To be touched is the only way to feel.

Some of you may dissent with the way I plan to twist these words to suit my purposes. Too bad.

Sensual is more raw, more about arousal and bliss. Romance is about the other person. Romance, as commonly understood, is about trying to make your entire existence together like a dream or a poem, or a cloud. Sensual is about wringing pleasure from whatever your existence throws at you. Romance has little to do with sex when it comes to it (and although sex can be involved, it is never as satisfying as the sensual, because sensual is the expert in those matters).

Romance is either an innocence or a lie. You cannot be romantic unless your heart is unspoiled, you can only fake it.
Sensual cannot be ignorant. You cannot be sensual unless something in you is aware, has been awakened, although some people have been known to possess a pre-awakening spark. These people are usually quickly awakened by the nearest bidder.

Romance is candlelight or sunlight. Sensual is pitch black and soaked. Romance is a feather. Sensual is a red scratch blossoming down your chest, across your stomach.

And I read this somewhere. Paraphrased:
Romance is your eyes meeting across a crowded room.
Sensuality is your tongues meeting across a crowded room.

Sorry this isn't longer. You know it very well could be. It was the best I could muster up under the circumstances.



At 5:50 pm, Blogger Xact Claims Services said...

yeaaaaa, didnt get what youre saying but...I love that pic. Esp. the car behind it...... ahhhh yessss!!!

At 9:07 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um PRETTY??? Pornographic perhaps. You perv.

At 2:15 am, Blogger Florence said...

yay! you paid up!
now how much does this cost?

At 4:20 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless you for trying. :D

At 8:43 am, Blogger Lisa said...


At 10:37 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It costs your undying devotion, Flo.


At 6:12 am, Blogger lil ninars said...

I totally don't want to say anything.
But I will.
Here it comes...


PS: as far as music goes (I know, I'm like, so one month ago) it's like the difference between The Scientist and Lady Marmalade.
Yeah, I'm not going to explain myself.

Thanks for your time, Joe :P

At 6:03 pm, Blogger Florence said...

someone said my name?

At 7:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha so true

At 5:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go away, Michelle. Your crimes are between you and the Lord.
Frankly, I am tired of you.


At 5:47 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My email is available if these people want to negogiate. You know I am open minded. But all you slimy, busy bodying, fork tongued gossipers need to just mind your own business and quit inciting people. The hurt you create belongs to you and no one else.


At 9:16 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe I shouldn't get involved in this. It's really not my issue. Bt I just thought I'd say:

Maybe people shouldn't post photos on the internet in the first place if they are meant to be "private".

At 9:32 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...


My knight in shining armour.

hehe, just kidding. But yes, honestly. I think prudes shouldn't even TAKE photos in the first place. You have to understand. If you take the photo (or make the song, in the case of music), it will most likely eventually end up online, and chances are, posted on this web page. So please don't be ashamed of yourselves--I'm not ashamed of you! You're beautiful!

Dum ta dum ta dum... call on the Eleria!!!


At 8:32 pm, Blogger Florence said...

joe!!! i have no stance on the subject, but you are STUBBORN!
i think the only difference between talking nicely and talking bitterly to you is in getting a nice negative answer or bitter negative answer. I mean, changing your mind is really out of the question isn't it. You should say that in the beginning.

At 11:55 pm, Blogger Lisa said...

Oh my God! Thats a picture of me!! Obviously. Take it down this instant.

At 7:14 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah Lisa--you and me.


At 8:10 am, Blogger Lisa said...


Details, details. Just cut me out of the picture.

At 7:48 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your a Moron Joe

At 5:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Your a Moron Joe"
"(Insert Lavigne's comment here)"

Oh please.

At 7:40 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey thats just nasty, now say ten things you love about Joe

At 10:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

feel sorry for you man, all this hatin. I like your blog, In case ur wondering. the stuff you cook up is fun to watch.

At 11:28 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you nosey, irritating, self-righteous people just mind your own business. Okay? Okay. Were you the photographer? No. Can you even FIND this picture elsewhere on the Internet these days? No. So could you please stop "assuming," stop "should-ing," stop putting your hallowed, sanctified, morally putrid views where they are unwanted, and leave me alone.
Other than that, I love you.


At 6:25 pm, Blogger Xact Claims Services said...

I love you too....

At 5:37 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next time you post of a picture of me, Joe, I want the top of my nipple showing.

Love ya,

At 5:50 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave: It is a yes or no question which I hereby revoke your permission to ask. As Family members we should not:

Use bad grammar or atrocious capitalization.
Mind things that do not concern us.

Read 'Taking Changes As Professionals.'

Clare: What can I say? Yes Ma'am!! With great excitement.


At 12:30 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Jess.

Who is your husband?

What a nice situation for a photographer.


At 11:27 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

arguments arguments..guys, relax...


At 10:32 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahah, still can't believe that people are still posting comments on this post...(guilty)umm yeah, stuff

At 12:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's nice when the person is not anonymous. See, I know Dave. If I had known which Dave, I would have known the idea behind his comment, instead of overreacting.
The anonymous face is, as a rule, clouded, dark, and stupid.



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