Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Orgasms are real things. They lift up or they knock down. They save or they damn. And other stuff too.

Check out the new meaning I invented for our darling host, Blogspot.

Blo G-spot dot com

Henceforth, you may refer to my blog as JoeAmaranthine.Blo G-spot.com



At 7:10 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know sometimes you just need to get some... release some of that pent up mojo...

At 11:18 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mo' Joe. I like it.

Anna, glad to see those 'H's.


At 6:10 am, Blogger Kaia said...

hehe...thats brilliant! Not many things make me laugh these days but this surely did.

At 7:15 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sooo, what does the Blo stand for?

At 7:49 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks doll! Why, is your life sad these days?

Anonymous: ...what does the blo stand for? Ha, are you kidding?


At 8:05 pm, Blogger Lisa said...


I always knew Blog was a pervy word. Not to mention spot.
Now i have proof!

At 1:20 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Send me an email

At 11:15 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who are you? What is your email address??



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