Saturday, March 17, 2007

Fetching Fridays



At 2:05 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah the black haired one is pretty cute ... but isnt it like ... SO outdated?

At 2:35 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

true beauty is never outdated

At 6:06 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i know the girl on the left.. but this pic must be very old.. she's been out of the family for a couple years already... where did u get this pic?

At 10:12 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hallelujah for heaven! but joe, alot of the pics you put up are...shall we say...of very young ladies. Amanda the girl on the left happens to be a friend of mine...very atractive wouldnt you say. out of the family and all ...however this pic you've posted of her, shes maybe 14! interesting taste.

At 11:14 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

...i don't know? --found it on the MO site and it seemed to go well with the quote I wanted to post. it didn't have a caption. i figured all my devoted readers would fill me in to who, where, how old, and all the other intimate details of their lives. thank you!

Love, Joe.

At 4:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

these gerls arent so fetching.. and yes this picture is super old..

At 6:08 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can please everybody, none of the time...
Keep it up, Joe!

At 10:19 am, Blogger Jules said...

haha its back in the nineties isn't it... the days of dirt lips, no bras, and pants over the hips.

At 5:07 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Running out of pictures??

At 8:57 am, Blogger Paul said...

OH MY GOD!!!! The blonde one is my older sister!!! Her name is Sharon & the dark haired one is Amanda. At the time Sharon was 17 & Mandy was 16. This is a old pic, but it is plenty good.

At 4:37 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neo, if she's your sister then why does it make you so excited?

At 7:40 pm, Blogger David R. said...

lol,u make it sound like neo is some sort of pervert or something :P

At 11:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was simply shocked to see my sis on fetchin fridays

At 1:55 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yah dude..ur a perv...rhahahah

At 8:45 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever. You guys have a interpretation problem.

At 5:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Capital letters followed by a flurry of exclamation marks usually inspires thoughts of excitement. If you are going for shock and surprise, keep the capital letters but try alternating the exclamation marks with question marks. Peope will probably interpret your posts better. Also instead of saying things like 'OH MY GOD' and having the other readers interpret it to mean "I am shocked" try something like "I am shocked to see my sister here" or "How surprising!" or "What the heck?!?!?!" I hope these tips help you Neo..

At 5:11 am, Blogger Paul said...

Hmmmm, thank you. Where I come from, the more exclaimations just means more surprise. And "Oh my God", definetly does not hint at desire.

At 7:21 am, Blogger Jules said...

let it go, neo... you talk too much.

At 8:56 am, Blogger Paul said...

Sorry, repution is somewhat important to me, though.

At 10:19 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you girls are so much more beautiful then the ugly system girls who dont fuck jesus and lack that light.

At 7:11 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok I just came this post and that last comment severely angers me! I am a 23 year old "system girl" (an ex member to be exact) and I think it is wrong and downright immature to be so exclusive about your lifestyle to the point that you feel everything else is so unworthy. It's great that you feel the Family is the best and that you believe 100 % in your cause and I fully admire that. But as far as referring to those who don't live the same life as "ugly" or "evil" (and I've read other despicable words used in comments on this blog in reference to those who aren't in the Family) I find that downright offensive. Just chill for crying out loud! Everyone should do what they want to do with their lives and at the end of the day who is worthy to judge?!

On the other hand, if you were being sarcastic and are an ex member yourself who wants to continue haunting the family with your bitternesses concealed in your sickening form of humour, then do everyone a favor and get a life. The family is doing a great job at what they are called to do. So leave them alone!!

At 7:12 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen, Anonymous. It's obviously someone's twisted idea of a sick joke, which I hadn't noticed. My apologies.

Love, Joe.

At 8:12 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Har, look at Joe ramble about 'getting a life!"
That line is so over-used, especially by people like Joe here who are like animals in heat. He gets all wraped in some comment and has to defend the family, yet make it a point that he left?
Strange bird!

At 8:20 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, sorry it wasnt Joe,it was some "i left the family" girl :)


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